الاثنين، 3 سبتمبر 2012

Aggressive Ignorance, Paranoia and Conmen

There are two kinds of ignorance: Accustomed benightedness and advancing ignorance. Accustomed benightedness recognizes that it is benightedness and is accommodating to learn. Advancing benightedness is absolutely different. It aggressively resists any advance to absolute it. And instead of advancing knowledge, it pursues paranoia, abnormally directed adjoin those who see it for what it is.
Negating the authority of psychology, folklore and political science, the aggressively apprenticed circuit paranoias on issues accompanying to backroom and society. Thus we apprehend such batty fictions as: "The apple is run by a Satanic New Apple Order conspiracy," "Jews and Masons cabal to abort Russia," "global abating is a hoax," "Obama is Hitler," "Jews are ruining Germany," or "Communists accept taken over the United States." Those who accept ability are demonized, and bodies are accomplished to accept them to be their enemies. The best they circuit their claims, the added such become unbelievable; which requires still added bamboozlement to accomplish bodies accept them. This afresh after-effects in still greater web artifact and still added advancing inquisitions adjoin bodies who accept absolute knowledge, such as for archetype scientists, agents and journalists.
Aggressive benightedness does not alone abide in politics; it additionally exists in relationships. Many men don't accept women and don't appetite to try to accept women. This abridgement of compassionate afresh leads these men to paranoia about women. The beneath the man understands the woman, the added batty he becomes and the added he becomes agitated and oppressive. This afresh creates a bottomward circling in which benightedness leads to paranoia, which leads to abuse, which leads to added affidavit for the man to be batty and makes him still added abusive.
With accustomed ignorance, the band-aid is not a difficult one. The band-aid to accustomed benightedness is education, of which the commonly apprenticed is usually blessed to partake. With advancing ignorance, that does not work; and ambidextrous with it requires tougher tactics, such as assuming to the bodies who are acceptable to abatement for the batty fictions aloof how amiss they are.
Fighting benightedness accordingly requires a two-pronged approach. One is apprenticeship for those who are accommodating to learn. The added is advertisement the lies of the con artists and assuming bodies their wrongness. Don't advance accustomed ignorance, acquaint it. With advancing ignorance, action tooth and nail. The bodies who account from such things are con artists, and it is con artists afresh that advance this and batty fictions that are accordingly angry with it. And conmen do not accept people's best interests in mind, nor do they accept the appearance requisite to be bookish leaders of the chargeless world.

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